Why Take Coenzyme Q10? And What Exactly is It?

What exactly is CoQ10 and how does it help? You might have heard of it helping with everything from migraines to heart health. Let’s break down what it is and how it helps so much more!

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Like so many, in my 40’s I began suffering from debilitating migraines. I sought out advice from medical professionals to help find relief. I was told by neurologist to take it for my migraines and also by my orthopedist to take it for my tendinitis. So, what exactly is CoQ10 and how does it help?

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10, known as ubiquinone) is a fat soluble, vitamin-like compound found in virtually every cell of every living thing and is present in all human cells. It is needed for every basic cellular function, including energy production and, in fact, even life itself. Do I have your attention now? Learn more about protecting your body and the positive benefits of boosting CoQ10.

Coenzyme Q10 is an essential antioxidant for energy production, healthy heart function, and many other critical functions of the body.

Our body produces CoQ10 naturally, but production tends to decrease with age. By the age of 50, our natural production can decrease by as much as 50%!  Choice in diet, lifestyle patterns and medications factors that can accelerate this loss in production even faster. For instance, studies have shown that the cholesterol lowering drugs known as “statins” disrupt CoQ10's natural biosynthesis within the body, depleting CoQ10 even further.

So Why Take a Coenzyme Q10 Supplement?

  • Low CoQ10 levels are directly associated with higher risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, neurodegenerative diseases, certain genetic disorders, and accelerated aging.

  • Skin Health: Acting as a strong antioxidant, CoQ10 helps to neutralize the harmful free radicals that are one of the major causes of aging.

  • Weight Loss and Gained Energy: CoQ10 assists in increasing the production of cellular energy and boosts metabolism. Research shows that an insufficient amount of CoQ10 is a contributing factor in some cases of obesity.

This graph shows the depletion of CoQ10 as we age.


What is different about NeoLife CoQ10 Mitochondrial Energy Complex?

NeoLife products are all natural and made with only GMO-free ingredients. Nothing artificial added - Absolutely no artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners or preservatives! Only choose a CoQ10 supplement form a company you trust.

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This is why you should choose NeoLife CoQ10 Mitochondrial Energy Complex:

  • Delivers 100mg of natural, highly bioavailable CoQ10 in a clinically proven dose, for cellular energy production.

  • Sourced from whole grain lipids and sterols known to support optimal mitochondrial structure and function.

  • Provides the four tocotrienols derived from rice known to protect mitochondrial lipid membranes from oxidative attacks. Plus, the four most powerful, phytosterols; Betasitosterol, Campesterol, Stigmasterol and Brassicasterol from soy involved in mitochondrial function.

  • NeoLife Proprietary Polyphenol Blend is natural, wholefood sourced polyphenols, plus resveratrol from red grapes to provide extra antioxidant protection and to promote mitochondrial protection.

  • Contains L-cysteine, the “rate-limiting” amino acid needed for cellular biosynthesis of the mitochondrial protector glutathione. L-cysteine is known to support mitochondrial function and strengthen inner-cellular protective systems.

  • Contains additional key ingredients to support CoQ10 absorption, such as sunflower lecithin, coconut medium chain triglycerides (MCT) oil, and rice bran oil. These natural oils are cold processed to preserve nutritional value.

  • Easy-to-swallow softgel capsules

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Taking a NeoLife CoQ10 supplement boosts your natural levels that can be depleted as you age and supports all of these health benefits you might be missing!

Pauli Morrow