Neolife Shake Is the Best Fast Food Around!

Busy summer schedule? Neolife Shake is the best fast food around!

Whether you're eating to bulk up or slim down or just trying to get in some extra protein and vitamins, you’re probably having a protein shake or two. Neolife Shake is the best option for nourishment on the go! Simply add water or blend in some game-changing ingredients to give you a boost.

Recipes are included below!

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Why do you need a protein powder at all?

Protein is shown to increase your metabolism and is essential for muscle growth and repair.  With added vitamins and minerals, a shake can be a meal replacement or a simple way to add nutrition to your diet.  Best of all, it helps satisfy hunger while giving you lasting energy.

Benefits of Protein Powder:

Weight Management

Neolife Shake isn’t just for people who are looking to boost their muscles—nutritionists say protein powders can also help you lose weight.  Protein is digested more slowly than other macronutrients, keeping those hunger pains away by feeling fuller longer. The added benefit of boosting your metabolism with protein can assist in maintaining a healthy weight or help you drop those unwanted pounds.  Neolife Shake is an easy way to make sure you're getting as much protein as you need (around 10 to 35 percent of your daily calories) and maximizing your weight loss potential.

Muscle Growth

The research suggests that protein supplements significantly improve muscle size and strength in those who are also doing resistance exercise training, such as lifting weights.  Protein is an essential macronutrient for building muscle and preventing muscle loss. In the research, protein supplementation was equally effective in improving muscle growth in men and women.

Recovery after Exercise

Many studies report that protein supplements used after exercise can aid recovery by reducing muscle damage and improving muscle performance and muscle protein synthesis.  This means that your Neolife Shake can not only help build muscle, but can speed up recovery from muscle soreness after exercise.

Added Nutrition

The recommended daily intake of protein for people aged 19 years and over is 46 g for women and 56 g for men.  Adding Neolife Shake to your diet can help you reach your total needed protein for the day!  

Beyond protein, a shake can also add needed vitamins and minerals that you may not be getting in your diet alone.  Neolife Shake can be an addition to your daily food intake or as a meal replacement.


What is different about Neolife Shake?

Quality Protein:

Neolife Shake is an easy and convenient source of complete, high-quality protein from a scientifically advanced protein blend from soy, milk, caseinates, and whey.  This combination insures that you are getting all 22 amino acids (including the 9 essential ones). Amino acids are important in all sorts of functions in the body, including building muscle and regulating immune function.   

Glycemic Response Control:

It’s formulated with “glycemic edge” carbohydrates that provide lasting energy and encourage your body to stay in fat-burning mode.  What this means is that you will not get a large spike in your blood glucose levels. The carbs in Neolife Shake give you energy and a lasting sense of fullness so you won’t get those hunger pains!

Easily Digestible:

The Neolife Shake has a multi-enzyme blend of plant enzymes to improve digestibility.  So no embarrassing burps!

Added Vitamins and Minerals:

With each serving you will get whole food antioxidants including vitamin C and citrus bioflavonoids along with 25 essential vitamins and minerals.

Sometimes the Best Part is What It Doesn’t Have:

No artificial sweeteners, saturated fats, preservatives, genetically modified (GMO) ingredients, artificial colors, artificial flavors, gluten, high fructose corn syrup, or hydrogenated fats/trans fats.

It’s important to know that not all protein powders are created equal!

According to a 2018 study, many of the best-selling protein powders contain heavy metals, such as lead, cadmium, and arsenic.  You will never find these contaminants in Neolife Shake!

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Recipes and Ideas:

The simplest way to drink your protein is in a Neolife shaker with milk of choice,  water, or juice. However, I love to get adventurous and add veggies (spinach is my favorite) or frozen berries and fruit.  It’s a great way to get sneak in extra fruits and vegetables into your diet!


Here are some fun ways to mix it up:

Where “milk of choice” is mentioned, add low fat or skim milk, almond, cashew soy or any other milk of your liking.  Where Vanilla/Berries n Cream Neolife Shake Powder is mentioned Vanilla, Berries n Cream or Performance Sport Protein can be used.

Vanilla or Chocolate Coffee Smoothie

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Replace your sugar-filled blended drink from the coffee shop with this healthier, protein-packed version.  And still get the same caffeine buzz!


2 scoops of Neolife Shake powder (vanilla or chocolate)

!/2 cup milk of choice

1/2 cup brewed coffee, chilled

4-5 ice cubes, plus more if needed

Blend all ingredients in your blender.

Almond Butter Delight

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This one is great for added protein with the almond butter.


2 scoops of Vanilla Neolife Shake powder

1/2 frozen or fresh banana

2 Tbs almond butter

1/4 tsp vanilla extract

1 cup milk of your choice

optional: add 4-5 ice cubes, plus more if needed

Blend all ingredients together in your blender.


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2 scoops of Vanilla or Chocolate Neolife Shake powder

2 cups of mixed frozen or fresh strawberries, raspberries and blueberries

1 cup milk of choice

Add 5 or so ice cubes if using fresh berries. 

I add a handful of fresh baby spinach to this one. I love it and even the kids don’t notice the “green”!

Blend all ingredients together in your blender.

Strawberry Cheesecake

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The kids love this as a dessert!


2 scoops of Vanilla Neolife Shake powder

4-5 frozen or fresh strawberries

3/4 cup plain greek yogurt

3/4 cup milk of your choice

5-6 macadamia nuts

optional: 4-5 ice cubes

Blend all ingredients together in your blender.

Chocolate Peanut Butter

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Seriously decadent!


2 scoops of Chocolate Neolife Shake powder

2 Tbs peanut butter

1 cup milk of choice

5 or so ice cubes, or more if needed

You can also add a banana for extra potassium! 

Blend all ingredients together in your blender.

Mango Sherbet

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This one will be thick - like sherbet or ice cream. It’s so delicious!

3 scoops of Vanilla Neolife Shake powder

3 handfuls of frozen mangos

3 Tbs of honey

1/4 cup milk of choice

Blend in high quality blender, like a Vitamix.

The Grandpa Ted


This is the daily breakfast for Grandpa Ted. So it was included in his honor!


2 scoops Vanilla Neolife Shake powder

1 1/2 cups apple juice

This one can be simply shaken or stirred. :)

Protein Balls are a Great Non-Smoothie Idea!

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These are great for quick, healthy snacking!


1/2 cup peanut butter or almond butter 

1/2 cup honey

4 scoops of Neolife Shake powder 

2 cups organic rolled oats

Mix all ingredients together and roll into balls. You can use chocolate protein and chocolate chips or coco nibs. Or vanilla protein and 1 tsp of cinnamon for snicker doodle balls.

There is no doubt Neolife Shake is the ultimate fast food.

Use some of these recipe ideas or create some fun ones on your own.

The best part is - there is no wrong way to do it!

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