7 Tips to Focus on Your Mental Health and Decrease Stress in Your Life

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Everyone experiences stress to some degree (especially in the past 18 months!). In fact, 70% of adults in the United States say they feel stress or anxiety daily.

Here are 7 simple ways to help you focus on your mental health and relieve stress and anxiety in your life. Pick one or two of these tips and it might just put a smile on your face!

What Exactly is Stress?

Stress is a biological reaction, both mental and physical, to situations that are challenging or potentially harmful, whether the threat is real or perceived.

A threat triggers your autonomic nervous system, leading to a fight or flight response, where your heart rate and blood pressure increase, breathing becomes more rapid and your body tenses.

Your body is preparing for action by increasing the supply of energy and oxygen and redirecting blood flow to your muscles. This can be beneficial in the short term because you are physically prepared to fight or run, increasing your chance of survival.

While this is helpful when approached by a mountain lion or mugger, it is decidedly less helpful when dealing with most daily situations.

Nowadays, stressful situations tend to be less often of the short-term physical type, but instead they tend to be longer term psychological and emotional situations such as work or financial stress. Long term, or chronic, stress has many detrimental effects on the body

Consequences of Chronic Stress:

Long-term elevation in blood pressure and heart rate can cause changes that can trigger conditions like atherosclerosis, which puts you at risk for a stroke or heart attack.

Stress also can change levels of neurotransmitters and hormones, which leads to altered cognition and behavior. The hormonal shift can also impact the regularity of a woman’s menstrual cycle and contribute to acne breakouts.

Chronic stress has a big impact on your immune system. Short term stress activates a heightened immune response, but exposure to the same stress over several weeks actually results in suppression of your immune system.

If you need a little boost in your mental health here are 7 tips to reduce stress and anxiety in your busy life:

1) Exercise:

Exercise is one of the most important things you can do to combat stress. Physical activity, ideally for 30 minutes for 3-5 times a week. Regular physical activity also provides a myriad of other health benefits.

2) Mindfulness or Meditation:

This can be specific for you. Maybe some diaphragmatic (breathing slow and deep) or taking a minute to reflect on the day. If sitting still is not your thing, moving meditation such as walking, swimming, or yoga can be just the ticket!

3) Light a Candle:

Using scents like a scented candle or essential oils to treat your mood is called aromatherapy. Several studies show that aromatherapy can decrease anxiety and even improve sleep!

4) Get Outside!

Being in nature reduces stress and makes us feel happier. Better yet, try combining physical activity and nature by going for a walk or run outdoors.

5) Make a Friend:

Social support has a positive influence on health and longevity. Having good social connections can lessen the activation of the autonomic nervous system, leading to a lower stress response. And its good to know that our pets count as social support too!

6) Reduce your Caffeine Intake:

Caffeine is a stimulant found in coffee, tea, chocolate and energy drinks. High doses can increase anxiety. Although many studies show that coffee can be healthy in moderation, it’s not for everyone. Try moderating and having herbal tea instead.

7) Add Supplements:

Supplements are a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. It seems too good to be true!

Insufficient levels of certain nutrients, particularly B vitamins, can contribute to stress and negative moods. In fact, being stressed may make your B vitamin requirements go up, by elevating your metabolism or affecting absorption. B vitamin supplementation has been shown to have a significant effect on reducing stress levels, particularly in those who already have a poor nutrient status. Antioxidants, like vitamins C and E, are also important for providing your cells protection against oxidative stress from damaging free radicals. One study observed that patients with depression had significantly lower levels of vitamins A, C, and E when compared to healthy controls. After 6 weeks of supplementing these vitamins, there were significant reductions in anxiety and depression scores along with significant increases in blood levels of antioxidants. Low magnesium status has been associated with anxiety and stress, leading to suggestions that magnesium supplementation may help alleviate feelings of anxiety.

Neolife has the best supplements to help!

Neolife Solutions:

Stress Pack – Replenishes critical nutrients used up by our bodies faster during periods of stress.*
• Energy supporting B vitamins
• Vitamin C, zinc, selenium and vitamin E for immune support*
• Calcium, magnesium, iron and key minerals to keep you feeling your best*

Super B – Threshold controlled for sustained release of nutrients with the perfect balance of all eight B vitamins, plus inositol and choline.

Super C – Vitamin C power of eight oranges in each tablet. Sustained-release delivery system assures optimal nutrient level protection for over six hours

Vitamin E Plus – Delivers all eight forms of vitamin E for broad spectrum protection: four tocopherols and four tocotrienols. Breakthrough water-miscible technology improves absorption

Vitamin A – Nature’s finest source – pure pollock liver oil. Water miscible to support easy absorption.

Magnesium Complex – Delivers an exclusive Tri-Mag Blend made of three naturally-sourced and highly bioavailable forms of magnesium.

It has been an exceptionally stressful time for much of the world. If you’re ever feeling overwhelmed, try one or more of the 7 tips listed that have science to back them up.

Focus on your mental health and reduce stress to live your life with health and happiness!

Pauli Morrow