How do zinc supplements help with acne?

Zinc does so many great things for your body.

Did you know that it can also help for acne breakouts?

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How do zinc supplements help acne breakouts?

The connection between acne and zinc was first discovered back in the 1970’s when a study found that participants with acne had lower blood levels of zinc compared to those with no acne. When the zinc-deficient people took zinc supplements, it led to a significant improvement in their acne. This was a big step for establishing zinc as an acne-fighting supplement!

Tell me more about zinc...

Zinc is an essential trace element necessary for the survival of all animals, plants, and even micro-organisms. It is important for physical growth and development, is found in cells throughout your body and is necessary to help your immune system fight off invading bacteria and viruses. Zinc also has big-time anti-inflammatory properties that helps your body in so many ways including contributing to wound healing. And zinc plays a big role in making sure you have proper senses of taste and smell. Who knew that zinc could do all of that?!

What is acne anyway?

Acne happens for a variety of reasons. Those stubborn pimples result because of a combination of increased oil production, clogged pores, proliferation of a bacteria called P. acnes and inflammation.

How does zinc help with acne?

Here are several ways that zinc helps with acne. 

1) Since zinc has big anti-inflammatory properties, it relieves the redness and irritation associated with moderate-to-severe acne, and may even help reduce the appearance of acne scars. 

2) By reducing oil production, zinc decreases the formation of pimples.

3) Zinc has antibacterial properties that combat the bacteria (P. acnes) that contributes to acne.  

Zinc’s benefits in fighting acne have been clinically proven.

Here are some studies that show the benefits of zinc and acne:

In a large, multi-center, randomized, double-blind, controlled, clinical trial it was found that zinc supplementation was an effective treatment in inflammatory acne.  They noted in the trial results that zinc even had less side effects because it does not cause bacterial resistance like some alternative acne treatments like taking oral antibiotics.

Both bacterial and inflammatory forms of acne were proven to improve with zinc supplements in this report published in The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology.

Investigators published in Biomed Research International their research that lower blood levels of zinc correlated with a increase in severe acne, suggesting that increasing zinc consumption could reduce acne.

How much zinc should you take?

The studies previously mentioned found that taking just 30 mg of zinc a day was the magic dose to help with acne.

What is great about NeoLife’s zinc supplement?

NeoLife’s uses a pharmaceutical grade zinc base to insure both high purity and high potency.

Zinc needs to be chelated in order to get maximum absorption.  NeoLife uses a unique chelation process where zinc is reacted with the amino acid methionine to improve zinc absorption in the body. This is particularly important since less than 10% of dietary zinc is normally absorbed.

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For maximum effectiveness, take zinc supplements at least 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals. If you experience digestive upsets, you can take the supplement with meals.

Each 2 tablet serving of Neolife’s supplement has 30mg of bioavailable zinc.

Pauli Morrow